Saturday, August 23, 2008

Taking Nothing for Granted, But Being Grateful For Everything

Taking Nothing for Granted, but Being Grateful for Everything

Good Morning(smile)!

I thought i would take this time to speak words that will help you take a deeper look inside of whats inside of you. Your thoughts, emotions and all . When God woke me up this morning , the first thing i did was to tell him thank you for letting me see another day! I told him i was grateful for the breath he blew into my nostrils and allowed me to inhale , and exhale, oh yes it all belongs to him because according to the scripture it says in Acts 17:28 verse "for in him we live, and move, and have our being;. that is enough to let us know that we are nothing without, or can do nothing without him. I venture to say a lot of people think that they did it on their own, got up on their own, but let me let you in on a little secret!, if it was not for him you would be still lying there lifeless ! Oh but thank God for his grace and mercy to allow us to breathe his breath, get up and dress ourselves, to be able to function normally. Don't take life for granted ,ask God to help us not to complain and to walk in a way that is pleasing to him. We are not perfect, but the perfecter is waiting to help us if we ask him. God's word says in Psalms 37:4 that if we delight ourselves also in the Lord and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Don't have time for him? what if he didn't have time for us, what if he said "well ,i guess i will just let you breath today and at 12 midnight i will just put my oxygen on hold, what if he said "maybe i will let you see only for one hour and the rest of the day or week you're in total darkness, what if he said i am tired, i don't feel like giving them total mobility of their body, i can go on and on but i think by now we get the message. I'm so glad to know and acknowledge him in all that i do for you see i don't and can't and want take him for granted for a single minute even when i fall short or mess up i don't mind saying, Lord please have mercy on my soul. Let us be grateful for all that god does for us, how he extends his love to us,let us take time out just to say thank you lord! I'm thanking you lord for waking me up this morning, thanking you for the activity of my limbs,for the air that fills my lungs that transfers oxygen to my brain to that i can function normally, thanking you for a sound mind and in all essence i take nothing for granted. As God allows us to see another day and as we put him first, let us bring about change in others, as we allow God to bring about change in us. Love on someone today, say a good word today, laugh ,it's good for the soul and it relieves stress. Rest in the lord,casting all your cares on him for he cares for us,yes he really does, try him., he not going to do anything to hurt you or harm you but to only supply all your needs according to his riches in glory.

Written by Sharon Curry
copyright (c) 2008 all rights reserved
no portion of these words of ministry to be reproduced, copied, or sold for profit without expressed written consent

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Rise Above Spoken Words of Negativity

Hey, look how big you got!
Big head and teeth fallen out!
Sometimes too big, sometimes too small,
Even too tall, body just don't match at all!

Spoken words that hurt
rise above those words
And let it out with a SHOUT
For you're more than a conqueror
Because it was He that brought you out

Words said in negativity can beat you down
So that you can't see the beauty inside or the victory

You've got to rise above those words that get you down
Hold your head up please stop looking down
Just stand on the Word, it's solid ground

Can't say anything nice? Say nothing at all
Stop rejoicing in your brothers fall
Remembering that Jesus died for us all

Rise above those that won't build you up
Shake off all that negative stuff

Look up, look up, your redemption is nigh
He can come any day, look towards the sky!
Hold your head up, stand straight as a soldier
Keep looking toward Jesus, he'll make you stronger

Written by Sharon Curry
copyright (c) 2008 all rights reserved
no portion of these words of ministry to be reproduced, copied, or sold for profit without expressed written consent

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Be Careful of The Stones You Throw

I was inspired to write this:

Sometimes we as human beings tend to bring those past issues in our lives or the lives of others up so we can forever have something to gossip about. But i was told that when Jesus spoke to the woman that was caught in adultery, he asked her "Woman, where are your accusers?" she looked around and there were none. Even though she was guilty of the crime as with others that were with her, Jesus said, "Go thy way and sin no more" Now I'm sure all of us that walk the face of the earth in this life has done more or some of the same stuff that the woman did. We sometimes fall so deep into sin and think that there is no hope of ever stopping, but that's what the enemy wants us to think. I am so glad that Jesus loves enough to stretch forth his hand and compels us to come to him. Oh yes, we can come out of the mess we've fallen into. Someone might ask,"Well, how does He compel us to come?". My answer to that is when we attend church on a regular basis, the word that's being spoken through the man or woman of God tells us that we can change and be made whole, delivered, and set free. Sometimes what we're in seems so good and pleasurable and satisfying, that we don't want to let go. Oh yes, I have been there, but I had to want to do right, and when I heard the word of God and its convicting power, I repented and God heard my cry. He changed my desires and set me free. You might ask the question were you ever tempted again? Yes, I was, and each time I had to cry out to God and ask him to help me! Each time it got easier as I became stronger. Someone might say I wonder what sin did she do? Well, my sisters and brothers, it doesn't matter because sin is sin, which takes me back to the title "Be careful of the stones you throw" You see if a person told you all they were delivered from, some of it might bless you; some of it can cause you to use it against that individual-what God has already delivered them from. They told you so that you can know that God is a deliverer, but yet you gossip and bring things up, point fingers, and whisper to others when it was told to you for you to be set free of what holds you captive. We as children of God should remember He said, "go into the highways and hedges and compel men to come!" And when they do, we that are in Christ must be ready to receive them with love and be prayed up so we can help get them delivered through the word of God! Now some "stones" are gossiping, backbiting, repeating those things that were told to you in confidence, holding things in our heart against one another, and getting more and more in bondage. Causing confusion, showing favoritism, jealousy, etc.- these things need to be done away with if we are to please God and walk in a way that we can help others and see the change when it comes about. At this time, we can't afford to waste time because we're on a battlefield, and we have to fight hard to win. The enemy is not going to give up and neither should we. The word says that we are "the light of the world, a city that sits on a hill that cannot be hidden." In my conclusion, let us love one another as Christ loved us; let us run this race with patience always praying for one another, and run swiftly to do the work of the lord.

Written by Sharon Curry
copyright (c) 2008 all rights reserved
no portion of these words of ministry to be reproduced, copied, or sold for profit without expressed written consent