Thursday, November 6, 2008

When Tommorrow Never Comes

You might think this is an unusual title, but when you think about it, the title is something that applies to our everyday lives. Again you might say, " it does not apply to me", but as this title unfolds, it will cause you to think of all the times you've made promises with good intentions and never followed through, which comes with being human. Don't be so hard on yourselves for we are still learning. Have you ever had someone tell you that they would like to get together and plan an event? You both agree on the time and location only to not hear from him/her the day you both seemed mutually excitied for. Without a call or sign from your friend, you give that person the benefit of doubt and that's when your tomorrow never came. You are left to wonder and hope that everything is okay, but you go on with life.

Remember your word is your bond, and if it is no good on a continuous basis, a person loses trust in you and your words. We have to be so careful as to what we commit. Even in making commitments if something should occur, make the effort to communicate if you're unable to follow through. I remember one time I had a friend ask what I was doing to which I replied that I was making breakfast.

"Can I come over and eat?"

"Yes, you are more than welcome!", I said.

"I'll be there in 10 minutes" was the reply.

Guess what? Food was on the table and an extra plate was set. I waited patiently, but soon I had to just eat alone and put everything away because tomorrow never came. Time after time, I've taken people like this friend at their word, but I've become more hesitant. It takes a lot for me to stop trusting because again, we are human. However, if we are not very, very careful, we will be caught up in a lie. Sure, you might have good intentions, but Psalms 101:7 says, "He that worketh deceit shall not dwell within my house: he that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight." This is definitely something to take seriously. If you can't keep a commitment, make tomorrow come by giving a call and not taking for granted that a person will just "understand" or"get over it".

Empty promises and no follow-through is similar to the story of the boy that cried wolf if you think about it. People will stop believing in you and your words, and it's bad when it gets to that point. We are all accountable for the things we do in this life, and we should set an example that others would want to follow. Make someone's tomorrow come by keeping you word to them if at all possible.

I'm also reminded of a story where this child was told that she was going for a ride and would return home shortly afterward. Well, as she was riding, everything was okay, but what should have been an evening of fun and dinner turned out to be the longest ride ever. Tears began to fall and she was left wondering when she would return home. Well, with such a long ride, she soon tired and fell asleep only to wake to the ongoing ride and stopping for potty breaks. Her tomorrow never came as she learned that she was not going back home! Hopes and dreams were shattered. Fearful and never getting a chance to say goodbye, or to sleep in her own bed. Even to sit at the table again with Mom wasn't foreseeable.

You might say that wasn't so bad as long as she was cared for but, I venture to tell you that everyone's make-up is different. Some people are stronger in areas where others are weaker, so don't hastily criticize or pass judgment, with your little perfect, faultless self. In my thinking, the child probably would have handled it better if it had been explained beforehand. With that, I think that her tomorrow would have come, and the hurt and confusion would have been lessened. Attempts to comfort the child would have been received out of love rather than mistrust or fear(when tomorrow never comes). Think of the lives that have been messed up because one individual did not take the time to make the call, or to say "I'm sorry, there was a change of plans" (make tomorrow come). An explanation is better than none at all. Let us all tighten up the loose ends of our lives in every aspect and help someone's tomorrow come. I don't know why God gives me topics to write; I only follow his command to get a message out. Some will read and receive while others won't, but I can be at peace knowing that I've done what He's told me to do. I know that in the end, God has a crown laid up for me, that I will receive on that day when I meet Him in glory.

Written by Sharon Curry
copyright (c) 2008 all rights reserved
no portion of these words of ministry to be reproduced, copied, or sold for profit without expressed written consent


Anonymous said...

I was "with you" on that whole journey. These senarios have happened many times to me and it truly does take a toll on relationships after awhile. We just have to keep in mind that many of our decisions affect others somewhere along the line and we should take the time to think ahead of the what if's of our plans and "do unto others..." when our plans change.


Unknown said...

Hey Sharon,

My email is and my blog is

I had a great time last night at the praise service.

Anonymous said...

Sharon Thankss For Being My Spiritual Sister and the Guidance of God's Word And The Holy Spirit . I Thanks God so much for your life and your life with Christ . You are truly going to received the favor.

Love you