Monday, August 3, 2009

God Still Works Miracles

Sometimes we think that the miracles God did back in bible days does not exist today. I'd like to share with you and encourage you that he is the same God today,as he was back then. In his word he said that " I am God and i change not" Malachi.3:6.

I've seen the reaction of people when they receive a bad report from their physician, the first thing the natural man would do is "panic" of course that's the human part of us. Jesus words said in Isiah 53:5 but he was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and by his stripes , we were healed.God's word is so true.

Did you not know that he said the prayers of the righteous dwelleth much. When we tell others of the report we've received,and that person says to you"can i pray for you?"sometimes it's a yes and sometimes it not. They don't realize that you're not trying to force anything on them, but you want to share your faith and encourgement through the word of God knowing that he still works miracles.

When the woman touched the hem of his garment virtue went out of him and she was healed because of her faith. Matthew 4:23 states "And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospels of the Kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people. Now God word is true in every situation and he still does works miracles.

My prayer is that if ever i'm faced with a situation in my body, i would want praying,faith filled people to pray for me and never let up as i stand and beleive God for myself. Dont' get me wrong, for it is God that gives Doctor;s and nurses the wisdom that they have and they do go to God in prayer, and when they've exausted all means they usually say"we've done all we can do, it's in Gods hands.

That lets me know that they beleive in miracles or it will take a miracle for this person to pull through yes , some of them beleive God also.

Yes believe it or not He, God is still in the miracle working business and so be it according to you faith. As i was writing ,i was reminded of a song "It took a Miracle" and the word says"

It took a miracle to hang the stars in space, it took a miracle to set the sun in place, but when he saved my soul cleansed and made me whole, it took a miracle of love and grace".

I hope i've said something that will encourage your hearts as well as increase your faith and to let you know that "Miracles Still Happens".

Stay Blessed,
Stay Encouraged!
written :08/03/2009

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woman of God your words are gently spoke this is so amazing after I did my blog today the holy spirit sent me to your blog and we are on the same accord in Christ believing God for my miracle I thank God that he has comfirm thruyour blog I am about to receive an awesome miracle and. I will so ever Give God the Glory. Thank you for being obedient and giving me confirmation of God's word. I want you to know God has your miracle under control. Do not give up five minutes before your miracle.